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About Us

Companionship through Shared Boating Adventures on the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta


Dos Rios was incorporated in 1961 as a not-for-profit Yacht Club by a group of avid boaters who enjoyed cruising together in the California Delta. We do not have a clubhouse or physical facility to maintain and are known for our focus on Cruise-Outs.  Dos Rios is a member in good standing with the Pacific Interclub Yacht Association (PICYA) of Northern California and enjoys reciprocity offered by other PICYA clubs in the Delta and Bay Area.


Our Story

​The California Delta affords opportunity to enjoy the flow of the river, a variety of birds and wildlife, picturesque landscapes and a variety of destinations.  Our story is best told through the pictures and pages of our Website and our Facebook Page.  The rest of the story is generally spun around a meal, a campfire, or while enjoying cocktail hour on one of the boats at a cruise destination.  Some members bring kayaks on a cruise to further explore.  Others enjoy fishing and talking story about the one that got away.  We hope you enjoy your cruise through our website, check out our Gallery and will consider joining our merry band of cruisers. 



While several members launch from Antioch Marina, other members are berthed at other Delta Marinas and join the cruise at some point along the way.  Our cruising year generally starts in March and ends in late October (weather permitting November).  A typical Cruise-Out schedule contains 5 or 6 weekend cruises to different marinas or yacht clubs in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and North Bay Area, a 7-9 day long Summer Cruise in the California Delta mid-summer and a 7-9 day Fall cruise in San Francisco Bay in September.  Most of our cruises are to destinations with power, water and head facilities, but we usually include one cruise each year as an "anchor out."

Weekend cruises begin on Friday and conclude on Sunday.  Members with a Friday obligation can join up with the group on Saturday. Our philosophy is that the cruise itself is part of the weekend, so, there is "no hurry" to get to the destination.  We enjoy the wildlife and scenery along the way.  During the Fall we may opt for a seven to ten day cruise to the San Francisco Bay Area.  While cruising we keep in touch with each other via VHF marine radio.  


​​​​​​​Our ​​Structure

The Flag Officers in the club are the Commodore, Vice Commodore, Staff Commodore, Treasurer and Secretary.  There are 3 other Directors who round out the entire Board of Directors.



We have only 1 formal meeting a year; the annual Change of Watch luncheon meeting held in January.  We communicate with each other via our newsletter, The Ripples, phone, e-mail and of course on our cruises.


Members are individuals from the greater Bay Area of various occupations and lifestyles. We adhere to a non-discrimination policy with regard to race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation and nationality. All active members are required to own a boat. All boats must be equipped with an approved sanitation device (head & holding tank).  All vessel types are welcome, but should be large enough to spend a few nights aboard.​


Flag Officers 2024

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